You Never are Ready. You Just Have To Do It.

By Nancy Stiver

Being in the business world for over thirty years, I have always marveled at people’s success, and one of my first questions when meeting someone new has been, “What made you select this occupation, or what gave you the inspiration to start your business”? Overwhelmingly, the response is, “You just do it”. Surely there must be more to it than that?

They would go on to say that there is planning and steps to take, but most people stop there. It is not the idea or talent that holds us back, but rather that pesky little inner voice trying to keep us small. Who knows - you might be sitting on an idea that will change you or the world. What life has taught me is that what is holding me back is the very gift I need to share.

A new study released says that 45% of the workers in the United States are dissatisfied with their jobs. In talking with employees through the years, I have learned that many employees have a dream of starting a business or pursuing another job. When asked what was holding them back, they say they do not have the money, the educational background, or they are too old. Do any of these responses sound familiar?

How often have you said a successful person was lucky or a natural? The truth is that we do not know the sacrifices or risks successful people have made. What we do know is that they took action. The reality is that there is never the perfect time. You just do it.

J.K Rowling has had a passion for books since childhood. She was rejected twelve times before her first Harry Potter book was published. In fact, the first publisher who rejected her told her to take a writing course. Still, she took action. She knew she had a gift to share, and the fact that she was living in poverty on government assistance did not deter her.

On her thirteenth attempt, her first book was published. She is the first writer to become a billionaire, but she disputes that because she is a great philanthropist, and has given hundreds of millions away. Think about what the world would be missing without her willingness to take action to pursue her passion.

Angela Lussier is a less well-known author, however her story is equally as impressive and world-changing. Growing up, she was a creative, yet a painfully shy introvert who had a significant growth spurt in the sixth grade. She was six feet tall and towered over most of her classmates. She was made fun of and that caused her to be even more introverted. She went out for basketball because what else would a girl that age do? She was not very athletic and really did not like the sport, but did play because she could block shots and rebound. In her junior year she mustered up enough courage to ask a boy to the prom, only to be rejected and told that no one wants to go out with a six- foot giant. That was it. She played the rest of high school and college under the radar.

She landed her first job after college and was rewarded for her creativity. She did notice that those on the fast track had outstanding communication skills. She had confidence in her writing but not in public speaking. Yet, she knew if she was going to advance in her career her voice had to be heard. She joined Toastmasters, but sat on the sidelines silently, until one day the leader assigned her a speech to do in two weeks. She told him she was terrified and she was not ready. He responded with a statement that changed her life. ”No one is ever ready. You just do it”

She practiced her speech hundreds of times, and cried all the way to the meeting. She gave the speech, (but doesn’t remember giving it), and an amazing thing happened. No one laughed and she did not die. Let me repeat that because it is noteworthy. She did not die and neither will you.

Giving the speech was a tipping point in her career. She went on to lead a chapter of Toastmasters. She’s given over 700 speeches, been a featured speaker on TED X, written three books, and started Sister Speakerhood, a national speaking club with chapters all over the United States that helps women find their voice. She discovered that what she feared doing has become her gift to the world, because she took action.

Is there a budding superstar in you? Are you living your life on the sidelines and just going through the motions? Lavinia Capital Partners understands your situation because we have experienced the same trials and roadblocks. We have created processes and courses that will show you what steps are necessary to take to start living the life you want to live.

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