"You can grow.
We can help."

Tom McDermott - Founder and CEO

Learn How


Are you an early stage startup? Let the experience of our team help direct you down the right path to achieve maximum success. Our experts will make sure that your legal, accounting, financial, staffing and marketing strategies are where they need to be. Lavinia Capital Partners will guide you down the right path to grow your greenfield business into an empire.


Is something not working as well as it should be? After a thorough discovery process, new strategies will be created to pivot your business around difficult obstacles and give you solid traction . A sound business idea should be nimble and able to react to changing markets and changing business paradigms. Our team of experts will work with you to ensure that you are focused on productive initiatives.


Whether you are a new business or one that has been operating for years, when faced with growth challenges, a new set of eyes on your business may be the answer. Lavinia Capital Partners has seasoned professionals that excel in discovering growth opportunities by analyzing your current methods. Whatever your situation, our team will give you new direction that will put you on a strategic growth trajectory tailored specifically to your needs.


Transitioning a business from your control to others can be overwhelming and challenging. Lavinia Capital Partners can assist you in keeping your company successful well into the future by providing oversight and governance . Our professionals will keep your team on track for continued success giving you the freedom you've earned.


Lavinia Capital Partners offfers multiple training courses to facilitate peak performance in your company. From in person seminars held across the country, courses on the web or custom designed courses specifically for your business, LCP is a resource for personal and company development.

Personal Development

Lavinia Capital Partners offers many different courses and mentoring programs that will assist you or members of your staff in developing personal skills that will help you grow and excel. We offer one on one coaching and in class training giving you an edge to be a stand out in your field.

Lavinia Capital Partners

Phoenix - Los Angeles - Minneapolis

(602) 644-1956