Business Breakthrough 1

You will learn what you do and learn to do it better

This course is designed for business owners, managers, supervisors, CEOs and other levels of management from small companies to fortune 500 companies. LCP takes a common sense proven approach that builds profits and builds stronger leaders.

Our courses are held at beautiful venues throughout the United States. Click on the link below to place yourself on the priority list. (LINK TO SIGNUP FORM)

Your instructors

Tom McDermott Tom is a visionary and a strategy analyst with extensive entrepreneurial experience ranging from founding and growing green field startups, to complete restructuring and re-strategizing for businesses which were not reaching their full potential. Tom employs a proven, data-driven strategy that will give you the control and insight you need to grow your business, and dominate your industry. Entrepreneur, author, trainer, and mentor, Tom has owned, operated and sold successful businesses to major corporations.
Kimberlin Brown Kimberlin is not only a top tier interior designer working with exclusive private and corporate clients, Kimberlin is also an award winning actress with a long history of television successes. Her work has been featured on the design network on her shows Dramatic Designs and Hot Topic. Kimberlin also played Sheila Carter on The Young and The Restless and The Bold and The Beautiful. Kimberlin brings a creative element to Lavinia Capital that will be a very integral piece of the process of maximizing your potential using current facilities or assisting in the design of new capital projects.
Nancy Stiver Nancy is a lifelong coach, teacher and sales systems expert. Nancy’s background in the golf and wholesale distribution industries utilizing her direct style of communication, will bring a level of efficiency to your organization that will take you to the next level. Her area of expertise is focusing on sales and marketing strategies along with training, analysis and team building strategies to gain market share.
Roxanne Beckford-Hoge Roxanne emigrated to the USA from the island of Jamaica, and worked in public relations and marketing before becoming a working actress and starting a business of her own, along with her husband. While she subscribes to Thomas Sowell’s opinion that “People who enjoy meetings should not be in charge of anything,” she uses the meetings she's led as a fundraiser, as a business owner, a political candidate and as a team mom to get to the point efficiently and with a sense of humor. Her degree in psychology and experiences in the private sector and as a writer, performer and storyteller help Roxanne to always be ready to shepherd difficult conversations and to welcome all viewpoints while encouraging people to be their best selves.Publications:

Subjects covered

  • Leadership development
  • Employee retention
  • Learn to work outside of your comfort zone
  • Building a winning team
  • Learn techniques to build a positive work culture
  • Building Competitive advantage strategies
  • Creating a high perceived value
  • Learn skills to build high margins
  • Developing solid winning strategies
  • Strategic thinking
  • Building a positive work culture
  • Navigating the waters of today’s business climate
  • A new approach to diversity
Our seminars are designed to be very interactive. We all dislike sitting in a boring lecture listening to someone talk about what they know and assume we don’t know. You won’t experience any of that at an LCP workshop. We carefully design our events to be very interactive. Our instructors are there to help guide you to a conclusion. You will be challenged as an individual and as a team.

We want you to walk leave with enthusiasm to take what you learned and build new strategies into your business.

Once you have taken one of our courses, you will be part of a network of peers and experts. The LCP team is at your disposal long after you attend one of our workshops. We are there to help you overcome any obstacle and get you on the right track.

Contact Us

Lavinia Capital Partners

Phoenix - Los Angeles - Minneapolis
(602) 644-1956